So, I can’t quite believe this week I celebrated my first month as fully self-employed in my Reiki Business,

It has already been a rollercoaster, of some great stuff and some not-so-great stuff.

Just to give you some background, for 32 years I worked in the corporate world, banking to be precise.   Now, I knew that was never really what I wanted to do, but back then I was a secretary and it seemed like a safe option aged 18.

I was NEVER happy in my job, I have dyscalculia (dyslexia with numbers) so a Bank was quite a scary place for me, I felt out of place – like I didn’t belong! Yet I ignored those horrible feelings I had every day and just pushed on through for……………..32………….years!!!! 🫣

I had no idea what I really wanted to do, I always wanted to help people and I have always had a deep connection with animals, but wasn’t sure how I could work with them, as I was so deeply affected by any animal that was suffering or person for that matter too.

Fast forward about 25 years and I discovered I was an ‘Empath’!😱

Okaaaaay now life is starting to make sense!!  I began to understand that my sensitivity was actually a superpower and that not everyone could pick up the same things that I did.

It turns out I was actually feeling other people’s emotions and feelings as well as my own – WOW!!!🤯

No wonder I was always so tired and sick!

I remember working in the office and knowing when my female colleagues were due their periods before even, they knew! I would just look at their face in the morning and say, ‘you are due on today.’ In hindsight, they must have thought I was a right weirdo! 🤪

I became more and more intrigued by what being an Empath meant and I wanted to explore the energy side of things further.

Then I found Reiki and my world literally changed!

I found my ‘thing,’ the ‘thing’ that could help people change their lives, release things that no longer served them and find their ‘happy.’

I also discovered how Reiki could help animals, in so many different ways, but also to feel seen and understood!

I studied and learnt how to protect my energy, not just with the clients and animals I was working with, but also with the people around me.
Wow – what a game changer that was!

Being with someone’s energy and not in their energy makes a huge difference to how you feel as an Empath and how you can hold space and support other people.

I practiced Reiki on the side, alongside my day job, but then Covid hit, and I got made redundant, so I decided to pursue Reiki as a business, working remotely at the beginning, alongside an admin job.

3 years on, in December last year, I decided to practice and teach Reiki full time, dropping my side admin job and making it my main income.

Is it scary? Hell yes!!

Is it exciting? Hell yeah!

I honestly believe this to be the best decision.

I have seen the difference reiki has made in so many people’s lives! I regularly receive such incredible feedback and messages from people sharing how their lives have changed since having Reiki or learning it with me.

I 100% believe that when you follow your heart and what lights you up, the universe delivers exactly what you need to become successful.  Paths open, people and situations appear before you.

So…. back to how the first month has been.

I have been busy with clients and have had quite a few new clients too which has been great.

I have started a new course called ‘Authentic Marketing’ with Kirsty Kianiford, which is brilliant and really helping me show up as my authentic self for my clients.

I have got some incredible collaborations happening with some amazing people, which I will be sharing with you all as they happen.

I started a Podcast ‘In The Spirit Of Everything’ with a friend and fellow Reiki-Practitioner, Karen Gibson of Serendipity Reiki, at the end of last year which is going really well. We have just published our 22nd episode and have gone global! I cannot quite believe it as I am typing this!

It is a big transition becoming your own boss and having to motivate yourself every day.

I also keep forgetting that my time is my own.  Other than when I have clients or students booked in, I can go for a walk or pop to the shop or make a call when I want to. That feels bloody good, not gonna lie!

Then last week, the toughest thing happened in my business….
I lost a client, after a long battle with Cancer.   She was not just a client though; she became a friend.

She came to me every other week for the last 2 years.  I always looked forward to our sessions, they were so full of insights and love.  We laughed at life together, even though she was struggling physically sometimes.

She would always message me afterwards to thank me and say how much better she felt.  I got to know her and her daughters even more when I taught them Reiki last year.  It was beautiful to see the bond they all have together and to see them practicing on each other was so special.

Her daughters asked me to hold space for their mum and send distant Reiki just before her passing last week.  They joined me from the hospital, and we did it together.

It was the hardest and most beautiful thing I have done, and it was such an honour to be able to hold space for her and assist with her passing over. Reiki transcends space and time and is such a beautiful thing to be able to offer someone as they are passing.

I will forever remember that day. ❤️

Every day I am learning in my Reiki business and that day, I really learnt not to make it about me, to call on the skills I have learnt to protect my energy and hold space, to let the incredible Reiki energy flow to my beautiful friend.

So, my first blog is dedicated to my friend who, I will miss so much but know that she is still with us and doing such wonderful things on the other side.  Who knows maybe we will meet again in another life? I do hope so!

So that was my first month in all its glory. Just like life, sometimes it is great and sometimes it is not so great. I believe that it is how we handle the not-so-great days that is key to our happiness.

Do they floor you or can you pick yourself back up, ready for the great days that are coming again?

Thank you for stopping by and reading my first Blog. 😊

Em x

Em - Heart To Head avatar

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